Code Documentation Standards
The following applies to php files, and php classes where appropriate. Following this standard will make your code compliant with the Knickers API
File headers
- A file header (general description) is required. It must start with /** and
end with */ and have a * beginning each line in between.
- A descriptive comment must be given
- At least one author tag (@author) is required (ideally, at least two authors
will have knowledge of a file)
- Each author tag must have an email address in <>'s
- A developer need not have typed a file him/herself to count as an author -
participation in design/planning counts as well
- A see tag (@see) may be added to reference other URLs
- All defined constants must be documented with an @const tag, a valid type, and a description.
- Constants must be all uppercase
Class member variables/attributes
- All declared variables must be documented with a @field tag
- @field tags must have a valid type, valid access level, and a description
- All functions must have a header. It must start with /** and end with */ and
have a * beginning each line in between.
- A descriptive comment must be given
- A @param tag must be given for each of the function's parameters
- @param tags must have a valid type and a description
- If a parameter is optional, put [optional] after the type.
- If a parameter is optional, remember to describe the default value.
- All functions must have a @return tag, even if it's just @return void
- @return tags must have a valid type
- All functions must have an @access tag with a valid access level
- If a function can produce any error objects, the types of those objects must
be listed with @throws tags
- If a function may be called with different combinations of parameters, use
@funcsig to describe each one
- If using @funcsig you must include the name of your parameters after your
@param tags (@param [type] name description)
- If a function is static, indicate that with @static
Valid Tags
- author Who wrote or contributed to the file.
- const Type and description of constant.
- field Access, type, and description of field.
- param Type and description of parameter.
- return Type of returned value.
- access Access level of field or function (public, protected, private).
- throws Type of error function throws.
- see Other URL to reference.
- funcsig Alternate function signature.
- static Function is meant to be called statically.
Valid Types
- [class name] The name of any class in Knickers or your app.
- boolean
- int
- float
- string
- array
- object
- constant
- resource
- mixed
- void
/** * Top comment * *@author [name] [] *@author Fred Smith <> *@author Joe Jones <> */ require_once KNICKERS_ROOT.'/common/cls/Object.class.php'; define('[const]', [val]); //@const [type] [description] define('MY_CONSTANT', 1); //@const int My constant class Whatever extends Object { var [somevar]; //@field [type] [access] [description] var $somePrivateVar; //@field int private some secret variable /** * [function information..] * *@param [type] [description] *@return [type] *@access [access] *@throws [Error object] */ function myFunction($param) { } /** * Looks up a user based on first and last name, a user object, or email address * *@param string $firstName user's first name *@param string $lastName user's last name *@param object $user User *@param string $emailAddress user's email address... *@funcsig function lookupUser($firstName, $lastName); *@funcsig function lookupUser($user); *@funcsig function lookupUser($emailAddress); *@return User *@access public *@throws Error_DBA */ function lookupUser($param1, $param2 = NULL) { } /** * Validates some passed data * *@param array data to validate *@return boolean *@access public *@throws Error_DBA *@throws Error_CDMJ */ function validate($data) { if($db->doSomething() === CDMJ_ERROR) { // this doesn't do much - it's just an example of different errors $err = $db->getError(); if(is_a($err, 'Error_DBA')) return $this->setCDMJError(new Error_DBA($err)); else return $this->setCDMJError(new Error_CDMJ($err)); } if($data == $somethingBad) { $this->addInvalidDataError(new Error_InvalidData()); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } }