Knickers: Change your underwear!
Component Finder

Because ComponentFinder (CF) plays such a major role in Knickers development, it deserves its own in-depth documentation.

What is a Component Finder?[back to top]

The component finder class is the basis of the display layer of Knickers. Its main purpose in life is to translate from the business layer (see Thing) to the display layer. In most cases ComponentFinder spits out html for a client to work with. In its simplest action, ComponentFinder gets a Parcel for a field from a Thing, puts it into a Component, and gives it to the OutputGenerator.

ComponentFinder is designed so that it can be used generically with any ComponentFinderDataProvider. This means that you can take any Thing or DataSet, or any other ComponentFinderDataProvider, and set it into the base ComponentFinder class and get inputs and errors and all the other things Components do for you without doing any extra work.

ComponentFinder can also be customized, however. There are many ways in which you can change it to meet your needs. All of the documentation in this document addresses ways to set up and customize a ComponentFinder of your very own.

Important Member Variables [back to top]

When extending ComponentFinder, there are a number of member variables available for your setting needs.

Component Configuration [back to top]

CF provides for many ways of customizing the way your components are handled.

Component/Relative-Level Callbacks [back to top]

CF has callbacks that can occur when your CF is asked for specific relative or component.

CF-Level Callbacks [back to top]

In addition to functions that are executed based on certain things happening to components, CF provides functions that are executed based on what's happening to the CF overall.

Reserved Words [back to top]

Certain words are reserved for CF's interaction with other objects. These include: