Because ComponentFinder (CF) plays such a major role in Knickers development, it deserves its own in-depth documentation.
- What is a ComponentFinder
- Important Member Variables
- Component Configuration
- Component/Relative-Level Callbacks
- CF-Level Callbacks
- Reserved Words
What is a Component Finder?[back to top]
The component finder class is the basis of the display layer of Knickers. Its main purpose in life is to translate from the business layer (see Thing ) to the display layer. In most cases ComponentFinder spits out html for a client to work with. In its simplest action, ComponentFinder gets a Parcel for a field from a Thing, puts it into a Component , and gives it to the OutputGenerator.
ComponentFinder is designed so that it can be used generically with any ComponentFinderDataProvider . This means that you can take any Thing or DataSet , or any other ComponentFinderDataProvider, and set it into the base ComponentFinder class and get inputs and errors and all the other things Components do for you without doing any extra work.
ComponentFinder can also be customized, however. There are many ways in which you can change it to meet your needs. All of the documentation in this document addresses ways to set up and customize a ComponentFinder of your very own.
Important Member Variables [back to top]
When extending ComponentFinder, there are a number of member variables available for your setting needs.
CFDPType: The class name of your
ComponentFinderDataProvider (e.g., Thing_Movie).This
is only neccesary if the ComponentFinder you are customizing has things
that are only designed to work with a specific CFDP. If your
customizations are more generic, feel free to leave this alone, and the
ComponentFinder will go on working with any CFDP.
namespaceName: This variable identifies how the system
will identify this ComponentFinder when passing data to and from the
user and when writing templates. When writing a ComponentFinder meant
to be used with multiple CFDPs, you should leave this unset. If you
leave this unset and your CFDP is a Thing or a Dataset, it will
automatically get set to the part of the name after the first
underscore (i.e. Thing_Movie get a namespaceName of MOVIE). For non
Thing or Dataset CFDPs, the entire name is used as the namespaceName.
If you do end up setting this, be care to name it somewhat uniquely
within the application to avoid collisions.
relatedFinders: This variable is an array of
ComponentFinders to use for related things (i.e. array('DIRECTOR' =>
'ComponentFinder_Director'). It is only required if you have a custom
ComponentFinder for a related thing. If it isn't set, the generic
ComponentFinder class will be used.
resultCFType: Type of CF to use for the result set if
this CF is being used with a Searchable . If left
unset, a ComponentFinder_Inspectable will be used.
views: Views are simply templates associated with this CF.
They can be used to provide a consistent layout of information in this CF across multiple contexts. Indexed
by view name. May optionally contain different namespace for your CF.
- tpl: What template file to use.
- name: What namespace to use in your tpl.
var $views = array ( 'EASY_VIEW' => 'Easy.tpl', 'COMPLICATED_VIEW' => array('tpl' => 'Complicated.tpl', 'name' => 'MY_CF') );
Component Configuration [back to top]
CF provides for many ways of customizing the way your components are handled.
localFields: Fields that exist only in your CF, not in the underlying CFDP. Indexed by local field name.
- parcelType: The Parcel type to use.
- componentType: Optional, a custom Component type to use. If left out, you will get the component for the parcelType.
- default: Optional, the default value for the field. If left off, you will get a blank field.
- required: Boolean. If true the field will be treated like a required field.
var $localFields = array ( 'SOMETHING' => array ( 'parcelType' => 'Text', 'componentType' => 'Component_TextArea', 'default' => 'Hi, Bob', 'required' => true ) );
nonDefaultComponentTemplates: Swaps out the tpl on a component generated by the CFDP. Indexed by the Component name.
var $nonDefaultComponentTemplates = array('SOMETHING' => 'Component_SomeOtherTemplate.tpl');
nonDefaultFields: Different Component class to use for your Component. Overrides what would be used by default by your Parcel type. Indexed by the Component name.
var $nonDefaultFields = array('SOMETHING' => 'Component_SomeOtherComponent');
nonDefaultTypes: ??
selectors: Sets up handling for selectors of relatives.
- cfdp_option_callback: This is a callback in the CF or CFDP that knows how to get an iterator of OTHERS which are available to this CF. This fxn should return an iterator of CFDPs.
- cf_type: This is the type of CF that we are going to use to process the OTHER cfdps, in most cases it will be the CF most closely associated with that CFDP.
- cf_view: The CF specified above should have a view we can use to display an option, usually it will just be one or two fields and may be added specifially for use in a selector.
- cfdp_field: The field in the CFDP that is expecting the selected ID.
- c_type: Optional, the type of Component we want to use if we're overriding the default Component_Selector.
- cf_field: Optional, to use a CF local field rather than a CFDP field for the result of this selector - using this we can create local field selector
var $selectors = array ( 'SOMETHING' => array ( 'cfdp_option_callback' => 'setPossibleOthers', 'cf_type'=>'ComponentFinder_Other', 'cf_view' => 'OTHER_VIEW', 'cfdp_field' => 'OTHER_ID' (or 'cf_field => 'LOCAL_OTHER_ID'), 'c_type'=>'Component_CustomSelector' ) );
Component/Relative-Level Callbacks [back to top]
CF has callbacks that can occur when your CF is asked for specific relative or component.
Component Creation Callbacks
- Specified: The componentCreateCallbacks, indexed by component name. You provide the name of the function in your Component class and what parameters to send it.
- Called When: The component is created
- Sent: The parameters in your componentCreateCallbacks array
- Returns: void
- Example:
var $componentCreateCallbacks = array ( 'MY_COMP' => array('compCallback' => 'param1'), 'MY_COM2' => array ( 'compCallback2' => array('param1', 'param2') ) ); Class Component_MyComponent { function compCallback($param) { } function compCallback2($param1, $param2) { } }
Component Modifying Callbacks
- Specified: The componentModifiers array, indexed by component name.
- Called When: ??
- Sent:
- Returns:
- Example:
Relative callbacks
- Specified: The callbacks array, indexed by relative name.
- Called When: Something calls get() on your CF.
- Sent: relative/component name and ID.
- Returns: mixed
- Example:
var $callbacks = array('MY_CF' => 'getSpecialCF'); function &getSpecialCF($field, $id) { $cf = new ComponentFinder_Special(...); return $cf; }
CF-Level Callbacks [back to top]
In addition to functions that are executed based on certain things happening to components, CF provides functions that are executed based on what's happening to the CF overall.
- Purpose: To do something special to your CFDP or CF once you know which CFDP you're dealing with.
- Called When: After a CFDP has been set into your CF.
- Sent: void
- Returns: void
- Purpose: To do something special to your CF before reading in data, or to do something special to the data before it's read.
- Called When: Just prior to your CF's namespace being read.
- Sent: Your CF's Descendable (by reference)
- Returns: void
- Purpose: To do something special to your CF after reading in data.
- Called When: After your CF's namespace has been read.
- Sent: Your CF's Descendable (by reference)
- Returns: void
- Purpose: To do something special to your CF prior to it attempting to validate itself.
- Called When: Just before your CF is validated.
- Sent: void
- Returns: void
Reserved Words [back to top]
Certain words are reserved for CF's interaction with other objects. These include:
DEFINED_VIEW: Returns whatever has been set as the 'defined view' for this CF.
NEW: For getting some number of new relatives.
DYN: For getting a dynamic number of new relatives.
IS_VALID: Returns true/false indicating if the CFDP represented by this CF is valid.
START_ADD: Indicates the beginning of a repeated 'add' block for creating new relatives.
END_ADD: Indicates the end of a repeated 'add' block for creating new relatives.